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Seoul International Invention Fair
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Notice 게시글의 상세 화면
Title KIPA supports officially I·TEX 2004
Writer 관리자 Date 2004-01-28 Hit 3568

The Korea Invention Promotion Association(KIPA) supports officially I1TEX 2004(International Inventions, Innovation, industrial design & Technology Exhibition

ㅇTitle : I1TEX 2004(International Inventions, Innovation, industrial design & Technology Exhibition)

ㅇPeriod : 2004. 5. 20 - 5. 22 ㅇVenue : Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur

ㅇOrganizer : MINDS(Malaysian Invention and Design Society)

ㅇManager : C.I.S ㅇCollaborator : WIPO, IFIA

ㅇSupporter : SMI MALAYSIA,

Korea Invention Promotion Association(KIPA) [The catalogue of I1TEX 2004]


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SIIF 2020 Seoul International Ivention Fair 2020
Korea Intellectual Property Service Center 17F, 131 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 06133
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