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Seoul International Invention Fair
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전시선정기술 게시글의 상세 화면
제목 The bicycle helmet display device
분야 교통/운송/자동차용품 년도 2014
업체명 Tainan Hou-jia Junior High School 등록번호 Patent No: R.O.C. M 488441 등록일 2014-12-15
At night, as long as cyclists ride too fast, we are very worried about their safety, especially when they change the direction, because the bike does not have the direction of the light, We often do not know where do they turn? So we want to design a device that can let us know where do they turn easily and effectively. First, the effect is significant: As mounted on a helmet, the most significant part, whether left, right or brake, the driver of the vehicle to have a certain look, but also cyclists often develop the habit of wearing helmets. Second, easy to install: button device erected beside the handle, easy to install and suitable for a variety of bicycles. Third, the price advantage: lightweight design, so it??s very cheap. Construction: A: lights mounted on a bicycle helmet vents: As bicycle helmets have vents for mounted lights. B: Wireless transmission design: Any distance could be used, safe and suitable for a variety of different height. C: button device: hand-touch design, as long as the thumb of a pressure light will flash for ergonomic.
전시선정기술 게시판의 이전글 다음글
이전글 이전글 Guiding Seat Belt Buckle
이전글 다음글 Motorcycle arrest system
SIIF 2020 Seoul International Ivention Fair 2020
서울시 강남구 테헤란로 131(역삼동 647-9) 한국지식재산센터 17층 국제협력실
TEL : 02)3459-2843 / 2924    FAX : 02)3459-2879    EMAIL : siif@kipa.org