• 사업공고
사업공고 전체 게시글의 상세 화면
제목 [교육] IP 미국진출전략 세미나
작성자 권준영 등록일 2014-10-21 조회수 4867

교육 개요

교육일정2014-10-31 ~ 2014-10-31
교육기간1일 / 6시간
교육장소한국발명진흥회 18층 제2교육장
교육목적o 미국 특허소송의 트렌드 소개
o 개정법에 따른 판례변화가 기업들 IP전략에 미치는 영향을 검토
o 미국내 특허유효전략
교육특징o 무료교육
o 선착순 접수
o 영문 동시번역

교육비 안내

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1인당 훈련비
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미국 현지로펌(Perkins coie) 변호사 / 변리사 초청

최신 미국개정법, 변경판례 검토를 통한 기업들의 IP 전략, 유효특허창출 전략을

배울 수 있는 교육과정!!!
한국발명진흥회 오프라인 교육(지식재산캠퍼스)에서 수강생 여러분들께
제공하는 무료서비스 교육입니다. 




o 세부 교육일정


Introduction: Patent Litigation Trends in U.S

- Recent patent litigation trends including continuing NPE infringement lawsuits
- One of the top three busiest patent litigation venues in U.S.: new patent invalidity trial proceedings before USPTO administrative patent judges (IPRs, PGRs and CBMs)
Effective Patent Assertion Strategy in U.S :
District Courts, International Trade Commission and USPTO Post Grant Trial Proceedings
- Developing a war plan, including selecting targets (defendants) and litigation forums and jurisdictions in and outside U.S., identifying the right patents for assertion, and safe navigation through and strategic use of USPTO Post Grant Trial Proceedings

- Executing the war plan successfully, including essential tips for in-house counsel in managing chosen outside counsel
14:00~17:00Navigating Ever-Changing U.S. Patenting Landscape :
Recent Court Cases Affecting Your IP Strategy

- U.S. Supreme Court’s new Alice test for patent eligible subject matter: making smart decisions on what to patent and how to claim inventions.

- The Akamai Decision on Infringement by Inducement: Claim drafting to capture direct and indirect infringement assertion of claims.

- Nautilus v. Biosig: Balancing between obtaining a broad claim scope and having an overreaching claim being found indefinite.

- Inequitable Conduct Stick after Therasense: Effective Managing your invention disclosure and patenting procedure.

- Evaluating your IP portfolio to obtain a desired mix of standard essential and standard related patents.
· Microsoft v. Nokia
· Innovatio IP Ventures v. Service List
· Apple v. Samsung

- Recent court and PTAB decisions: How to craft your patent litigation strategy in the new era of USPTO Post Grant Trial Proceedings.

* 세부커리큘럼은 변경될 수 있습니다.














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