• 지식재산 스타트업 경진대회
사업공고 전체 게시글의 상세 화면
제목 OASIS-3 Application started
2023-04-25 00:00 ~ 2023-04-25 00:00
작성자 배재욱 등록일 2023-04-25 조회수 9436

Overall Assistance for Startup Immigration System (OASIS) is a program operated by KIPA (Global Startup Immigration Center) designated by the Minister of Justice.


OASIS provides both start-up support and start-up visa (D-8-4) to foreigners who decide to launch business in Korea based on outstanding ideas and technology.


Please be informed that we start receiving 2023 OASIS-3 application and ask for your interest in the program.


o OASIS-3 : Intellectual Property Application Support and Prototype Production Support

- Provide support in the intellectual property application process for outstanding items (ideas)

  with creativity


- Provide expenses for acquiring the rights of the ideas {application fee (written opinion can be

   supported), agent commission} within the given range, one time per person, and only for patent

   and design (trademark is excluded)


Select technologies (ideas) applied or registered with high commercialization possibility through

   public contests and support for commercialization and model production, one time per person.


o Target Attendee : Domestic Foreigners (Students, Company Employees)


o Application Deadline : 31st May


o Application Link : https://forms.gle/KcHoYJZ9xVC3YKvs8


o Contact : oasis@kipa.org / 070-8824-1452



사업공고 전체 게시판의 이전글 다음글
이전글 이전글 「2024 지식재산 스타트업 경진대회」 공고(특허청 공고 제2024-116호)
이전글 다음글 「2023 지식재산 스타트업 경진대회」 공고(특허청 공고 제2023-117호)
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    ㆍ콘텐츠 담당자 : 김관영 [지식재산사업화실] ㆍ전화문의: 02-3459-2928리뷰이미지


06133 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 131 (역삼동, 발명진흥회)

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